Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Are you ready to make some screencasts?

Screencasts are videos you make of things you are seeing and doing on your computer screen. They can be very effective tools for both teaching and learning.

Come to the Media Center during our in-service day next Monday to hear esteemed Educational Social Software consultant, Steve Garwood, explain the benefits of using screencasting to enhance your teaching. After watching Steve's informative and entertaining step-by-step demonstration on how to create a screencast, everyone in attendance will get a chance to make one of their own.

Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Share your favorite sites!

Don't forget that we now have a staff Delicious account for bookmarking our favorite websites!

Whenever you find a great site, be sure to add it to Delicious so that your fellow teachers can also benefit from your "discovery"!

If you can't remember the password for this account, IM me and I'll get it to you ASAP!

What's on YOUR bookshelf?

What books have you read lately? What books are you reading now?

Would you like to display them on an online "book shelf" and discuss them with others?

Shelfari is an online social bookmarking site that very simply allows you to do just that.

Here's a look at my shelf in Shelfari. You can visit here and, within minutes, set up an account of your own.

Over the next couple of weeks we'll be setting up an online book club for interested AnySchool teachers using Shelfari.

Hope to see you there!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Listen to anything good lately?

Want to hear a wonderful poem each day? Or how about listening to NASA scientists explain some of the wonders of space? Would your students enjoy hearing the Math Guy walk them through some fun math "tricks"?

You can easily subscribe to these and countless other interesting podcasts on the Web.

Email, IM or stop in to see JenG. in the media center if you need help.

And feel free to check out and add to the interesting podcasts highlighted in our staff wiki on the podcast page!

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Hello, Everyone, and welcome to our school's new media center blog!